Constitutional courts of Asian countries wished success to Azerbaijan in holding COP29


2024 Sep


The delegation of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan visited Bangkok to participate in the 6th Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) on the theme “The Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society” held from September 18 to September 20.

At the Congress held with the participation of delegations of Constitutional Courts of many Asian countries, sessions were held on the topics “The Role of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society,” “The Evolvement of Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Justice in the Changing World,” “Constitutional Justice as the Foundation of Sustainable Social Development”.

During the speeches at the Congress, the video speech of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Farhad Abdullayev, was brought to the attention of the event participants.

The special representative of the King of Thailand welcomed the delegations within the framework of the event.

At the end of the Congress, the Bangkok Declaration was adopted. It is also mentioned in the declaration that the Constitutional Courts of the Asian countries that are members of the Association express their best wishes s for the success of the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP 29) to the UNFCCC to be hosted by Azerbaijan. Constitutional Courts recognize the importance of such international measures in the issue of sustainable development and climate change, including increasing public knowledge in this area.

In the framework of the Congress, speeches were also made on a number of legal issues in the field of constitutional justice and opinions were exchanged.