Staff of the Office of Constitutional Court rendered aid to more than 30 families in need


2020 Apr


Staff of the Office of Constitutional Court, in compliance with the rules of the special quarantine regime, visited low-income families living in the cities of Baku and Sumgayit, as well as Absheron district and single and elderly people not leaving the house - in general, more than 30 families, handed them parcels with various food products.

During the meeting, the staff of the Office of Constitutional Court once again explained to the citizens the methods of protection against the coronavirus epidemic, recommended to stay at home during the special quarantine regime, brought to attention the importance of compliance with the rules for their health and the health of their family members.

Citizens who met this initiative with a feeling of gratitude expressed appreciation to the senior management and staff of Constitutional Court for their attention and care.

Constitutional Court intends to continue such actions of the aid.