A meeting was held with the delegation headed by Christophe Poirel, Director of Human Rights


2023 Sep


On September 5, a meeting was held at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the delegation headed by the Christoph Poirel, Director of Human Rights of the Council of Europe Secretariat's Human Rights and Rule of Law Directorate.

During the meeting, the importance of continuing effective legal co-operation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe was noted, the reforms carried out in the judicial and legal field, the tasks facing the courts in the field of ensuring human rights, as well as the importance of co-operation with the European Court of Human Rights were touched upon.

It was noted that the Constitutional Court, paying special attention to international judicial-legal co-operation, widely applied the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the decisions of the Plenum in order to justify its legal position in many of its decisions, referring to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.

Christoph Poirel noted the importance of legal co-operation between the national courts of the member countries of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights and touched on the issues related to the implementation of the decisions of the European Court.

During the meeting, an exchange of views took place, the importance of strengthening judicial and legal co-operation was emphasized.